[Announcement] Oceanpoint. fi Announces Launch of LP Staking with v0.
17 Feb 2023, 07:22
[Announcement] Oceanpoint.fi Announces Launch of LP Staking with v0.3 📢
The Blocksquare DAO and it’s community achieved a major milestone last year with the launch of Oceanpoint.fi on February 22nd, 2022. Today we announce the official launch date for v0.3!
The forthcoming release of Oceanpoint v0.3, which will officially launch on Monday, February 27, 2023, at 9 am CET. This follows the successful launch of both the Governance and Asset Pool, with over $50 million in tokenized properties to date.
The launch will initially commence with Uniswap.
The liquidity pools are designed to be user-friendly and accessible by linking the Oceanpoint UI with liquidity pools on other DeFi protocols. Once launched, anyone will be able to provide liquidity to the protocol and passively increase their holdings of BST.
Get ready for the launch! 🚀
It’s time to prepare for the liquidity mining launch, and we’re calling on our community to participate in the whitelist channel on Discord.
We’ve established a private channel for LP token holders who provide early liquidity on Uniswap. By providing early liquidity, token swappers will incur a 0.3% fee, which is divided among liquidity providers in proportion to their liquidity contributions.
Early liquidity providers will face minimal competition, and we’re pleased to announce that we’ve set aside 5000 BST for all early LP token holders to spin the Wheel of Fortune.
In addition, early liquidity providers will have the first opportunity to log their LP tokens into the staking pool when it becomes available, which will enable them to receive the highest rewards.
To join the whitelist channel, please open a ticket in # help-desk in Discord, providing your ETH wallet that holds your LP tokens.
It’s a win-win situation, so let’s get started providing liquidity & staking!
Read all details about the launch here 👉